Implicit Grant Permissions Interface
1. Getting Access Token
Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Request Data:
name | required | type | description |
client_id | yes | long | allocated APP ID during app requests |
redirect_uri | yes | string | request redirect url, should be the same as the one in allocated APP ID (other data may be different) |
response_type | yes | string | description of response type, response_type=token |
scope | optional | string | data required for getting scope permissions, multiple applications allowed (separated by a space), see scope permission list |
state | optional | string | used for maintaining correspondence with request and callback, given to a third party after the request is successful, used for preventing CSRF attacks, and strongly recommended for use by third parties |
skip_confirm | optional | boolean | the signed in user will see a page for switching accounts, if this is not required by the app, you can add skip_confirm=true , Yellow Pages gateway should be set as true |
Response Data:
Once permission request is successful, the server will give the user’s browser a redirect url with access_token
, token_type
, expires_in
, mac_algorithm
, mac_key
, state
, etc.:
Response Data Details:
name | required | type | description |
access_token | yes | string | required access token |
expires_in | yes | string | validity period of access token in seconds, see Access Token Life Cycle |
scope | yes | string | scope of access token, see scope permissions list |
mac_key | yes | string | MAC key required for interactions between HTTP and Open API, validity period same as that of access token |
mac_algorithm | yes | string | Algorithm used for for interactions between HTTP and Open API and digital signatures, currently supports HmacSha1 |
state | optional | string | If the data is passed during the request, the same data will be returned |
Once permission request is unsuccessful, the server will give the user’s browser a redirect url with error
, error_description
, state
, etc.:
name | required | type | description |
error | yes | int | oauth error code list |
error_description | yes | string | simple error description |
state | optional | string | if the data is passed during the request, the same data will be returned |